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What are Vaccinations?

Vaccinations are an essential part of health maintenance and preventing you and your family from contracting certain diseases.

While everyone should receive some form of vaccination, vaccinations are especially recommended for travellers who may come into contact with diseases frequently.

Everyone has different risk factors for disease, depending on where they travel, their own medical condition, and other factors. The best way to ensure adequate protection is to discuss your vaccination needs with your doctor. 

Here are some of the most commonly found vaccinations in most clinics : 

  • Flu vaccine
  • Hepatitis A
  • Hepatitis B
  • Hepatitis A & Hepatitis B vaccine
  • Varicella vaccination
  • HPV (9-valent) Vaccination
  • Yellow Fever vaccine
  • MMR vaccination
  • Tdap vaccination

STDs and its Treatments

Flu (Quadrivalent) Vaccination

Getting vaccinated with the flu vaccine, can reduce the risk of contracting the influenza virus. This is a serious illness that can cause a high fever, muscle aches, respiratory illness, cough, and a sore throat.

The influenza virus spreads through droplets that are dispersed through the air when you are in close contact with an infected person. This condition can also be made more serious with development of pneumonia, ear or sinus infections, meningitis, and heart muscle inflammation.

Those susceptible to these complications include the immunocompromised, elderly, young or pregnant individuals. Given as a single dose, the Flu vaccine is recommended to be performed annually.

Hepatitis A Vaccination

Hepatitis A is a viral disease that can cause inflammation of the liver. Transmitted between people occurs when an unvaccinated person consumes food or water that has been contaminated with faeces of an infected individual.

This type of infection is commonly associated with contaminated foods or water, poor overall sanitation, and poor personal hygiene.

The symptoms of this disease include fever, jaundice, lethargy, abdominal pain, pale stools, tea-colored urine, and a poor appetite. In even mild cases, it may take weeks to recover while severe cases cause liver failure or even lead to death.

The Hepatitis A Vaccination is available as a two-dose vaccine spaced over 5-12 months.

Hepatitis B Vaccination

Hepatitis B is a viral infection of the liver that can be transmitted through blood, body fluids, transfusions, sexual contact, or mother to child during pregnancy or during delivery. 

A person can have a mild condition that may last for weeks or experience severe liver failure. Unfortunately, some people who contract this illness will become lifelong carriers.

Symptoms of Hepatitis B include fever, nausea, vomiting, poor appetite, tea-colored urine, pale stool, and jaundice. Over time, an infected individual may develop liver cirrhosis, failure, or even liver cancer.

While the Hepatitis B vaccine is a part of the Singapore National Immunisation Schedule, it is possible to lose your protection over time. To determine if you need a second dose, a blood test will be useful to screen for the presence of antibodies.

Do note that the Hepatitis B vaccine comes in three doses, given initially, after one month, and six months. There is also an option for Twinrix, which conveniently include vaccinations for both Hepatitis A and B. This is available in three doses, given initially, at one month, and six months.

Varicella Vaccination

The varicella zoster virus is responsible for causing both chicken pox and shingles. It is a highly contagious disease that can be spread through direct contact, air, and droplets. You may develop a fever, lethargy, cough, and cold symptoms along with itchy and painful rashes on your body. The disease tends to be fairly mild in children but tends to affect more seriously in older adults and young adolescents. 

While complications of this virus include pneumonia and a brain infection, the virus is especially common for immunocompromised adults to experience a reactivation of this disease that causes shingles. If you develop this during pregnancy, you may be at risk for congenital malformation. 

If you had chickenpox before, you can be screened for an antibody blood test to determine if vaccination is needed.

The Varicella vaccination comes in two doses, and is  given over four weeks.

Tdap Vaccination (Bootrix)

The Tdap vaccination protects against tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis and whopping cough. This is usually provided to children as a part of the National Children Immunisation Programme. Nonetheless, your antibody levels may be reduced over time, making the older generation more likely to develop any of these three infections; tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis and whopping cough.

This vaccination is provided as a single dose every 10 years. A single dose is always given during the third trimester of pregnancy or right after birth regardless of your vaccination history. 

MMR Vaccination

The MMR vaccination protects against measles, mumps, and rubella viral diseases. Easily spread via air droplets when coughing or sneezing, this vaccination is recommended for the following people:

  • Adults who did not receive the vaccination completely during their childhood
  • Adults who are at high risk of developing these infections, such as healthcare workers, teachers, and international travelers to poorly vaccinated areas.
  • Women who are not vaccinated before and planning to become pregnant (Please wait three months from their vaccination before becoming pregnant)

If you’re not sure of your previous vaccination history when it comes to MMR, an antibody test can be performed to assess if you are in need of this vaccine.

While there are fears that the MMR Vaccination may cause autism, this speculation is unfounded and it is a priority to be vaccinated regardless of age. The MMR vaccine is available in two doses, given one month apart.

Yellow Fever Vaccination

The Yellow Fever vaccine protects against a mosquito-born infection known as yellow fever. Commonly found in Africa or Central and South America, yellow fever can be spread between people with the Aedes Aegypti mosquito. While infected, you may develop a fever, headache, muscle, pain, vomiting, nausea, lethargy, and jaundice.

Yet, approximately 15% of infected people with yellow fever may also develop bleeding, organ failure, or even lead to death. 

The yellow fever vaccine is recommended for the following people: People age 9 months and older who may travel to or live in a yellow fever endemic region. It is available in a single dose and should be taken at least 10 days before entering an infected area.

Human Papillomavirus (HPV) 9-valent Vaccination

The HPV 9-valent vaccine protects against the HPV viral strain subtypes of 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52, and 58. The vaccine works to reduce the risk of developing the types of HPV that are associated with cervical, vulva, and vagina cancer, and genital warts. 

It is recommended for all unvaccinated men and women between the ages of 9-26 years. Recently, the HPV vaccine was approved by the US FDA for use in individuals from 27-45 years. The vaccine is available in three  doses given initially, at two months, and six months.


Related: Cervical Cancer Screening

Health Screening Vaccinations


Vaccinations are an essential part of health maintenance and preventing you and your family from contracting certain diseases.


During your consultation with the doctor, the above options will be discussed with you to see which best suits your needs.

  • Date

    May 30, 2021

  • Skills

    Vaccination, Male/Female Doctor Consultation

  • Client

    Dr Eugena Tay

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